Välkommen till aprilavsnittet av AKUTBOKEN podcast. Här är ämnena och artiklarna i detta avsnitt:
Nya riktlinjer för transfusion med erytrocytkoncentrat
Sadana et al. (2018) Promoting High-Value Practice by Reducing Unnecessary Transfusions With a Patient Blood Management Program.JAMA Intern Med. 178:116-122. PMID: 29159367
Hypotermi som symtom vid sepsis
Kushimoto et al. (2019) Impact of Body Temperature Abnormalities on the Implementation of Sepsis Bundles and Outcomes in Patients With Severe Sepsis. Crit Care Med. In press. PMID: 30789402
Sundén-Cullberg et al. (2017) Fever in the Emergency Department Predicts Survival of Patients With Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Admitted to the ICU. Crit Care Med. 45:591-599. PMID: 28141683
Patienter med högt blodtryck på akutmottagningar
Patel et al. (2016) Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Presenting With Hypertensive Urgency in the Office Setting. JAMA Intern Med. PMID: 27294333
Yang et al. (2018) Overtreatment of Asymptomatic Hypertension-Urgency Is Not an Emergency: A Teachable Moment. JAMA Intern Med. 178(5):704-705. PMID: 29482197